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Triple Seven Barrel Racing Futurity Program

You may email or mail the application,if you choose to email you can send nomination payment using paypal using friend and family to

Or if you choose to member your futurity horse at the same time as you complete your general online membership, you may pay at that time.

Only for Futurity Age Eligible Horses of the current year of nomination.

 ( if you are not sure of your horses futurity eligibility based on standard futurity

dates, please contact us)


The Futurity Nomination Program:

The futurity horse eligibility date will be November 15. This rule will take effect in November 2023. Foals born in 2019 shall not compete in a barrel racing event prior to Nov. 15, 2023.

 All Futurity entries must be horses 5 years old and younger. Horse may have never competed for money, prizes or points any time before Nov. 15th of previous year. Futurity horses have one (1), year of eligibility.

Owner must complete the futurity Nomination application and provide a copy of said horse’s registration papers, or Vet proof of horses age, via mail or email.

 (Triple Seven Barrel Racing reserves the right to have their appointed expert determine the age of Any unregistered horse that age may come into question),

 failure to comply with Triple Sevens age verification will result of

Immediate disqualification of the Futurity Program and there will be no refund of nomination fees.


How the program works:

You must first member your futurity horse into the General Triple Seven Membership, selecting the category you wish to enter in.

Then you will need to nominate your futurity horse into the Futurity Incentive Program(application will be online or at races) and pay the one-time nomination fee Of $125.00, That nomination fee goes into a special savings account set aside for only the futurity eligible horses whom have elected to pay their nomination fees and said futurity horse will get a special Futurity # that only Futurity nominated horses into the program will have.


No monies will come out of this nomination fee and is set aside strictly for the futurity horses at finals.

At THE MAY OF 2023 SEMI FINALS, We will have a 2D futurity with a full second split Side Pot that is Carry Over only from the Open 4D of finals of which 100 % of the monies in the futurity savings account will be paid out.


So, you will still be competing in the Open 4D of Finals, plus and if you nominate you horse into the futurity program you a will now also be included

In that race.

The Futurity Incentive Program has huge payout and growth potential, so nominate

your futurity babies now!!!


We will be working on awards and sponsors to build this program even bigger

Futurity Program
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